Meredith Family

Just last year the Merediths were a two-parent family, enjoying the lifestyle of a dual-income household. All five kids were into sport, things were going well for everyone.

But then Hannah Meredith had to leave her husband, and things started to change. Mum and five children had to move in with family, sharing a two-bedroom household for a time. Sport fees started to stack up, and the single-parent income was no longer enough to cover such expenses.

The Meredith children are very sporty. Hayley has been involved in gymnastics for years, and all four girls are currently involved in swimming and netball. It would be a true shame if these kids had to give up on their sporting interests due to circumstances beyond their control.

Luckily, the top kiwis at Five Stags Leamington, Branderson Homes, and caught wind of the situation and came together to support us in helping out.

What’s more, these girls got to meet a couple of their heros from Magic Netball!!


Cambridge, Waikato

Swimming & Netball
